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  • šŸŒ» Making my days about just one thing

šŸŒ» Making my days about just one thing

As a way to find focus and pre-plan mentally

If thereā€™s something that Iā€™ve learned about life, itā€™s this:

I gotta do things my way or the highway.

And this is not because I have a big revelation. Nor the ultimate productivity hack.

Itā€™s more that Iā€™m trying to figure out what works for me. A big part of that is me recognising what I naturally drift to and tuning into thatā€” and learning to be proud of how I operate.

I donā€™t like calendars or meetings. Never have, never will. The only thing that shows up on my calendars are community gatherings, coaching/consulting sessions and a ā€œletā€™s explore something or meetā€.

And even those are minimal. More than 60% of my days have nothing scheduled in. This makes me happy.

Another thing that Iā€™ve struggled with is the sheer amount of things I want to do. To-do lists just arenā€™t going to cut it. Never have, never will. Any list of things just makes me feel worse about all the things Iā€™m not doing. And all too often, I end up completing nothing at all. I hate it and I end up giving myself a hard time.

I also know that I make progress in life by showing up. And thatā€™s how I built up my previous business. I just kept showing up and doing things. It works for me, so Iā€™ll do more of that. I donā€™t have specific goals, I just keep going.

Another thing that I know is that I like to mentally prep for the day ahead. Itā€™s hard to do that with joy when thereā€™s a full list of things to do. So instead of causing me stress, why not organise a day around just one thing?

Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve started doing. I havenā€™t had any of this written down until now. Itā€™s a mental process more than anything.

  • šŸ“§ Mondays: my weekly Rosieland newsletter (and the natural curation and learning that happens around it). It ships every Monday.

  • šŸŒˆ Tuesday: write a Rosieland article (I feel better doing this early in the week, my mind is then freed to think about other things).

  • šŸŒ» Wednesday: Indiependent writing (Indiependent is what you are reading now)

  • šŸ“š Thursday: work on my Rosieland book + course

  • šŸš Friday: unschooling writing (I spend 2/3 of the day with my kids, I can brainstorm an idea to write about whilst they are playing)

Looking at that list, I realise Iā€™ve become a writer, which feels awesome.šŸ˜Š

My work days are designed around getting one thing done. It gives me focus and permission to switch off once I do it.

It means Iā€™ve been shipping and going to bed earlier.

Shipping is literally great for my mental health.

It doesnā€™t mean I have to ship every day, for me itā€™s more about getting a chunk of work done that helps me progress.

It also doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t do other things around it. Often I will have emails, community conversations, admin, community events or coaching calls that I work around. Itā€™s more that the one thing is my main focus and everything else is a distraction until I make enough progress on what Iā€™m working on.
